Walls can be thought of as structures that withhold, protect, and stabilize. In the United States, the word “wall” means something different to immigrants. For them, it is about hurdling difficult barriers; new ones have been created at an exponential rate since the inauguration of the 45th president. It also means being subjected to ideological divide. The word "wall" also reflects that immigration in the United States for targeted groups of people are worsening, instead of progressing. As a nation that was founded by immigrants, it seems ironic to label anyone illegal. For my thesis, I wanted to hit a relevant topic, as well as a topic that is very personal to me. In doing so, the immigration crisis happening in the United States can be seen through a personal lens. Oftentimes, we perceive matters such as immigration (or any political topic) as something we cannot relate to and in sharing something personal and creating a piece that gives you an answer to nothing, the hardship experienced by many immigrants becomes easier to comprehend. The project consists of a poster, a ladder, and a video.